Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

the five steps for success in the life

Success is the focused to the man who always have spire to be better of their life. It is very difficulty to make it. There are some step to you for seek success in your life. I have five steps for it:
1. Little things
Most successful business will tell you that success usually comes in the form of small steps. I think that is true.  Why? Because when we becomes the winner of the competition is easy to doing that. It can motivate us to make the others big role in our life.
2. Consistency
Consistency is one of the step that is crucial for make you better than before. It can give spirit for us to doing something.  
Have you heard of the Kaizen Way? Toyota has been using this method for many years, and quite successfully wouldn't you say? Many different industries utilize Kaizen to continuously improve processes and business so it's not a method that works only for certain businesses, individuals are even using it to improve their life.
Kaizen takes things a step past basic productivity improvement and is a process that is maintained daily. It is meant not only to increase productivity and eliminate waste but also to "humanize" the workplace or workforce (you can imagine what kind of a difference this can make).
Small daily improvements create a big difference over the long haul. Rather than looking for one huge instant improvement (which usually doesn't stick for long), focus on small consistent improvements that will put you into the place you want to be and keep you there.
3. Group Work
There are many elements to be success; every one actually needed some people to finishing the job perfectly. For example Director must be able to leader the employer. It is group work. If the employer can not do something so the purpose of them works can make perfectly. You leade is success and the employee are success too. Generally, people love to contribute and be a part of success rather than just being a body.
4. Make good New Habits
A habit likes Daily activities. It can support you to do your business. For example your business such us marketing, it can use in your real life not only in your work but also in your activities in your environment. More you do it more you get it.
I think, some people don’t know when we change new habits on your life. It is simple to make us like what is we want.
5. Don’t give up
Spirit is very important to support your business. Many people say,” Failed is the success that is delayed”. It is for the people who have spirit in the business but when the people don’t have spirit, it is the end for your business.
Now, how we can gather the spirit and we must be able to suggest our life with “saying Failed is the success that is delayed”. We can believe that and we can success in our life.

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